2nd Spiritual Law of Success: “Law of Giving & Receiving”

In Deepak Chopra's book, Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, he outlines seven laws about how the universe works, these laws may seem intangible but so is gravity and gravity is working all the time so too are these universal laws.

When you give something whether it be time, money, attention, or a compliment you are changing yourself at that moment to serve another. Likewise when you receive something, you can experience a physical or emotional change in response to that gift.

Nature relies on giving and receiving for existence. Just recall your elementary school science class learning about the food web, the water cycle, and maybe later on the carbon cycle. 

Plants receive sunlight, rain, and nutrients from the soil and convert it to energy to grow branches, leaves, flowers, fruits. The plant offers shelter with its branches, shade with its leaves, pollen to the bees, and food with its fruits. 

What if the plant was not open to receiving water? 

How might this affect others in the ecosystem nearby?

What if the plant wanted to hoard all the water? 

How might this affect others?

The same goes for YOU!

This law is about both being generous to give and open to receive. I invite you to check in with yourself throughout the week and notice if you have been giving, sharing, sacrificing OR receiving, taking, asking more often this week.

Set a daily reminder on your phone that prompts you to reflect on this. 

“Have I been giving or receiving more today?”

To go another layer deeper…

This law states that the more you give (with pure intention) the more you can receive. 

I see this beautifully played out by the plant who is open to receiving help (sun, water, nutrients, microbial interactions) therefore, is best suited to grow into its most abundant self (juicy fruits, healthy leaves, strong roots)

ANNDDD because I like to think one step further…

The fruit tree gets to fulfill its true goal (reproduction) at a higher level because if she's got the fragrant flowers and juiciest fruits, then you know the birds and bees will be headed to her which ultimately helps to spread her pollen and seeds to further stretches of the forest. 

The fruit tree is openly receiving all she needs and is giving openly and generously with pure intentions to the other creatures in the ecosystem. She is not hoarding her abundance therefore her abundance is able to expand literally to further areas of the forest. The intention behind your “giving” is critical. In the book, Deepak explains that if through the act of giving you feel like you lost something, then the action will not cause increased abundance. 

Below are ways Deepak shares how you can start applying the law of giving and receiving:

-Wherever you go give a gift, whether it be a flower, a smile, a listening ear, a compliment, money, or food! 

-Gratefully accept all gifts — that includes the gifts of nature like sunlight and birds singing, as well as compliments, and gifts from others

-Keep wealth circulating by giving and receiving the most precious gifts: caring, affection, appreciation, and love

Understand that not every day, every week or month will be “equal” in terms of giving/receiving, but by bringing awareness to both sides you are better able to rebalance and this awareness may help you gain a new perspective on your life.  

I hope you gained something from this read! Always feel free to reach out, if there’s any way I can support you I am happy to #give to you!

With Love,



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