Messages From The Universe: Part One

I believe we are all connected: humans, plants, animals, planets. And I believe we can tap into this ancient connection for guidance, greater understanding of life, and to experience eternal bliss. Now I’m still in the process of learning to harness this “eternal bliss”, but I wholeheartedly believe in the possibility of experiencing such.

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On a long weekend in June, friends and I reflected, journeyed, and explored the external world and the internal world. We used mindfulness as the foundational guide for our weekend: “Nurture in Nature”. 

“Awareness is like the Sun. When it shines on things they are transformed.”

- Thich Nhat Han

My awareness of the world and myself has been the key to unlocking the light within me. Common practices within mindfulness include: non-judgment, beginner's mind, non-striving, acceptance, and compassion. This is a life-changing lens through which to view life. 

Psst: this isn’t only achieved in meditation; it is a practice for any moment. And it's free. ;)

Our group's intention that weekend was to listen, observe, and reflect on the messages we receive from nature, patterns in life as mirrors, and ultimately the universe. I am currently in a healthy state of being, so my cards reflect what I am working towards embodying. Not everyone's cards were as “bright” as mine, yet we ALL found immense value when we dug deep beyond the surface level of interpretation. 

Message received from the tree: 

“I see you, I hear you, I am YOU.” - Tree (context we connected with a chosen tree that weekend, stayed present with it, thought about its life and perspective by observing our trees)

Personal Interpretation: 

We are all connected. 

Message received from tarot card: Knight of Wands

Knight of Wands card embodies being mutable, open to change, having a fiery passion, can live through fire, impulse for freedom, yearning and learning in a positive way!

Personal Interpretation: 

I am embarking on the biggest change of my life, moving to Hawaii. I will face challenges and my passionate heart will aid me in persevering through them. My soul yearns to be freely myself and connected to the Oneness, and Hawaii seems like the place to foster this personal growth journey. 

Repeating Pattern seen in Nature: 

Holes / Circles

Personal Interpretation:

Oneness is everywhere, it just takes awareness, a different perspective, or a new set of eyes to see It. 

Message from Animal Spirit card: 

The Firefly card embodies awakening, a moment of inspiration, pure, radiant, illuminating high-frequency charge, the light of a thousand stars, that can’t be sustained for long and will fade if not caught.

Personal Interpretation: 

I asked the deck of cards: “How can I be intentional with my time so that I can have a spiritual practice?”  At first the card felt like it affirmed my question, but didn’t answer it… With more reflection I saw the deeper meaning. I am meant to play, have fun, enjoy the process of spirituality, and remain fluid rather than rigid (refers back to mutability in tarot card). I am meant to follow my inspiration, my intuition, my yearning curiosity, but not in a way that says you “have to xyz”. Also, my light is from 1,000 stars - it talks about the LITERAL Universe! The universe is fueling me; it has my back. And as I shine my light, it lights up the path for others. This is my leadership style: being the change, not by forcing others, rather by inspiring others to cultivate their own light. So if I don’t force others to follow me in a certain way, why should I force myself into strict practice? It’s not in the cards for me right now;) *pun intended*

During the day we visited a local bookstore and I was drawn to a book literally titled “Mutualism”. At first I didn’t make the connection to my tarot card, then my friend noticed and said, “Lizzie, that’s what your card was all about!!” 

I am not here to convince you that there is a divine connection. I am here to share openly about my experiences so that it may introduce curiosity

Like a child seeing the world with new eyes, I invite you to be curious about your everyday life. 

How can you experience the extraordinary in the ordinary?

Awareness is the Answer, followed by curiosity & gratitude.

^ Look at this freaky moth!! ^

Try this at home:

Stand or sit in your backyard or local park with the intention to observe. Just notice the environment through your senses (see, hear, touch, smell). Try to leave your past experiences with nature at the door. Put on your child-like curiosity sunglasses and observe the big picture and the small details through a new lens! 


Before I open it up to my Instagram community (cause I have limited spots) I’m letting you in on an opportunity for you to receive a FREE 30 min clarity call with me! I am growing my coaching offer in a new direction and am conducting market research interviews to learn more about people like YOU!

This opportunity is for you if…

  • you want to grow your intuitive muscles (with your food, body, life decisions)

  • you feel called to do something greater in life but lack the clarity, “how-to”

  • you want to build your confidence - on many levels

  • you are looking for a deeper connection to yourself & nature

  • you feel your life needs a reset, but don’t know where to start

If you said YES that’s ME to any one of the points I would loveee to connect with you further. Please click this link to choose a date/time that works for you!! This is a NO sales pitch offer I am simply interviewing my community so I can better serve YOU!


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